Sunday, October 23, 2011

the language of love ...

the language of love ...

you speak to me
in the softest voice
murmuring words i do not understand
"Français," you purr
but i know better
the inflections are
all wrong
and the consonants crash
like seagulls diving
into a morning harbour
off the shores of Portugal
"Pas de français," i whisper
and a nervous giggle
pops through your pursed lips
until another thought quiets the waves
of uncertainty to form
inviting pools of blue mystery
in your eyes

you touch me
with feather fingers
tracing senses i barely remember
across the map
of my rough skin
until you find your way
to Babel
where suddenly
you stop
pull your hand away
and leave an empty space
between my body and yours
a gap so small
and yet somehow
so deep and wide
i rush to fill it
before it measures and defines

you listen to
every sound my body makes
as i tumble over and into you
and you echo
the pandemonium of my longing
with quiet submission
your lips silencing my lips
even as i try to shape in language
what i feel
your kiss turning words into
a final rush of breath
escaping from me
into the dark
my unspoken promise
unformed but unwavering
written forever
in an indistinct language
across your heart

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2011. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Postcards From Africa ...

Postcards From Africa ...

I have pinned your postcard to the wall behind my bed
yes, the one you sent
a few months ago
the one so nicely sealed with a kiss
I have pinned it carefully
right beside the half-picture of you
in your jeans and tank top

I'm sorry but I had to cut off your head from the photo because
I couldn't bare to have
you watching me do
the ancient ritual dance-romance with Celia and Marjorie and Katie and Ursula
and all the other gazelles that have leapt into my life
with their dirty blonde braids
their creamy white tiger claws,
and their smooth clay lips that glowed red in the night
above my half-closed eyes

I couldn't bare to have
you listening
while our gyrating hips were
bashing together the cymbals of life so loudly that
the neighbours howled in ribald harmony
and drummed the floor and ceiling in perfect rhythm

So now I lie in bed like a fervid rhinoceros
lie down and roll
roll in the cool mud memory of such wanton desire
and nothing seems a clear way out
of the jungle of my infidel life so far away from you

Yesterday, you wrote again
this time to say not how much you missed me
but to tell me that you won't be coming home
that Africa was more beautiful than you expected
and that you'd met Baboo Who
a brilliant artist
or, more importantly, a better lover than me

And to think, all I was worried about
was the malaria

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2011. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

a poem for emily dickinson to thank her for the present that someone delivered for her on my twelfth birthday

a poem for emily dickinson to thank her for the present that someone delivered for her on my twelfth birthday

a poem for emily dickinson to thank her for the present that someone delivered for her on my twelfth birthday

you threw down poems from your window

and after a century of travel

they arrived at my door bundled in a small book

like a stack of personal letters

wrapped carelessly in white tissue

and tied together by tattered ribbons of faded gold

i suspect you never really understood

what those cruel missives

floating down from your room

might do

to a young boy

who roamed through your words

over and over again

looking, longing for some solution

besides a willing carriage ride with death

how was i to know

that it was all conjecture and the caprice of a recluse?

the idle talk of someone

who chose to live her life alone

someone not really lonely at all

someone who enjoyed

just a casual and serene non-existence

because purgatory is easy

when it is what you wish for

but you see

i never got to choose the walls of my capture

that made me tiny

inside a world that grew smaller and smaller

because that was all that i knew or believed was possible

i suppose you never realised

any better than the others

that what you wrote

would validate my darkest thoughts

and violate an evolving imagination

a consciousness that i left crumpled

with your poems

beneath my childhood bed

today, i still wonder why you lacked the courage

to leave all your poetry behind

leave it all in your sunny room

and instead throw yourself out the casement of your window

and in that leap

become yourself a parable

for all the frightened eyes

that look wistfully

through a cold pane of glass

see life and turn away

from its blinding light

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2011. All rights reserved.

© Kennedy James. All rights reserved.
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