Thursday, December 19, 2013

sometimes you don't fit into the fairy tale

sometimes you don't fit into the fairy tale

sometimes you don't fit into the fairy tale 
you step through a defective looking glass 
or fall down the wrong rabbit hole 
and presto! 
the land of magic and mystery 
is not quite what you hoped for 

oh sure, there's a frog waiting for your kiss
but kiss as you may
no prince pops out from beneath the warts and the slimy green skin
and the next morning you are sporting
a cold sore the size of Portobello mushroom

undeterred you march through forest and glen 
shack up with seven dwarfs in a tiny cottage 
that you're expected to keep clean when the little guys 
go whistling off to work 
while you wait patiently for some crone 
or at the very least your older sister to show up 
with a poison apple to eat so that you can fall asleep 
then suddenly wake to a prince's kiss and 
a lifetime of ease watching the afternoon soaps 
but the apple never arrives 
and you spend sleepless nights in anticipation 
until one of the seven little people 
slips a pea under your mattress 
and you sleep for three days straight 
only to wake up and discover 
that you've been left out on a marble slab in the bush 
and that you're beginning to attract flies 

you buy a crate of glass slippers
(one size fits all)
from the shopping network website
and you drive through the richest part of town
leaving one at the gates
of every castle you can find
and you even tie one to a telephone wire
high above the entrance to the legion hall
but no Prince Charming comes 'round
looking for the happy-ever-after
with a slipper in his hand

no, the best you get is the pizza delivery boy 
with a double cheese and anchovies x-large pie 
misaddressed to your front door 
which you pay for 
despite the obvious mistake 
because the interchange is at least 
a minute or two of human contact 
and that pizza is something you can munch on 
in bed before you fall asleep 
all the while hoping the anchovies kick in at some point 
and flush all this fantasy shit 
out the rabbit hole 
and down your porcelain throne 
because quite seriously 
the worst nightmare of reality isn't half as bad 
as wasting a lifetime in a dreamy fog 
and wishing you were 
someone you're not 

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2013. All rights reserved.


  1. the knock of reality is sometimes too loud and too harsh when you are living in a castle of hopeful dreams
    powerful writing

  2. Brilliant write ... ~sigh~ ... fairy tales and dreams .... they last awhile, then reality sets in .... as Cinders ... I am back amongst the ashes .... but its with a peaceful acceptance... as I now know ... princes dont really exist!

  3. There is nothing wrong with being a hopeful dreamer. Just because old harsh reality knocks at your door, it doesn't mean you have to welcome it into your home. Sometimes it is possible to rewrite your own story and give it a happy ending. Merry Christmas!

  4. "... and flush all this fantasy shit
    out the rabbit hole
    and down your porcelain throne"

    For me, fairy tales generally lasted about a year--about the time that the really good sex did. After which time, if things did not morph into something more substantive, things really did go from the rabbit hole down the porcelain throne.



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